..MooDy dAy..
Hmm...I'm quite down these days. MAny unhappy things jz happened around me..worry bout my frens, argue with frens, misunderstood among frens..really upseting! Since I leave my frens at mlk, we usually chat with each other using YM. YM actually is a very useful tool for us to keep in touch with each other. But recently i found that, we will easily receiv wrong signal from the one u chat with. As my fren said, we donno the word we receiv is expressed in wat kinda of mood. Is it in happy mood? jokingly? angry mood? or even teasin mood... Sometime ur fren is jz joking, but U will treat it seriously..then at last ended up argue with each other or misunderstanding the whole thing ur fren wanna express. So now I seldom chat altho I was very free. I don wan to hav any misunderstanding with others, don wan to listen others to tease my frens, don wan to answer any question that looked like "care" but indeed korek my privacy. I can't stand anymore! I was trying my best to be nice to everyone, but it seems really hard to please everyone. So instead of chatting, I was downloading some songs to lessen my temper. My mood seems getting better after listening to these songs.
10bUbblE DreAmzz
dun give up a forest bcoz of one tree.... i think this person must be someone important to u... but u r important to many other friends too... if an unhappy conversation between u and this person made u upset of chatting... i think it's not worth~
have you tried the HTF theme wong? it's nice... it drives you crazy and at the same time strengtens your immunity towards annoyances...
ask Blue Whale for more information...
By the way you shoul know how one behave before getting into a serious chat... if not, you'll in the status of blurriness... like for my example... those that know me will know when I talk things with what kind of mood... even without seeing my face...
i am not too sure what is going on but i'm sure you will get over it soon. dont think too much. live your life to the fullest. and screw the people around you who doesn't mean anything to you :)
thanx :D
i dont see why she should learn up her chatting style. or brush up her chatting.
chatting = freedom to speak
why must you change yourself to suit another's need. be yourself and happiness is on his way :)
jason >> I think my chatting style don hav prob >.<"
GA >> Thanx..I'll always be myself
jason, why are you asking her to change this change that? the other day you just asked her to change her style of blogging. there is no written rule about how to blog for a certain topic. she can write the way she wants because this is her blog. we read her blog because she is being herself and not someone else. same goes for her chatting. there are no skills to learn. please don't convert her into you. she has her own style and personality.
i don't mean to sound offensive and it's not personal. i apologize if i have hurt anyone with this post and the author can delete it if she finds this comment inappropriate. thanks.
aiks cy..
sometimes i also not so happy by the sentence from ym.. but then we also dunno how's their real expression behind the monitor.. hehe..
so.. i also try to put smiley face when i'm chatting so that it will make friends feel happier.. haah..
now this really flame things up... shall i crack some stupid dirty jokes to ease the atmosphere? :P
Err...I believ everyone who drops a comment here is jz show ur concern. Thanx.. Everyone has own point of view. Anyway..THAnx!~
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